– The Future of Storytelling

Projektpitches um, den Preis für neue Erzählformate beim – gestiftet von der Bayerischen Landeszentrale für neue Medien

Der neue Preis sucht Antworten auf die Frage, wie Fakten und Geschichten in Zukunft erzählt werden können. Mit der Online-Veranstaltung – The Future of Storytelling stellen wir Euch die fünf nominierten Projekte vor. Sie erzählen ihre Geschichten interaktiv, crossmedial – und vor allem digital.

Die Journalist.innen und Dokumentarfilmemacher.innen nutzen die Eigenheiten der jeweiligen Medien für ihre Inhalte und ermöglichen auf diese Weise so einzig- wie neuartige Perspektiven auf Geschichten, Situationen, Ereignisse. Ob Browser-Game, Audiowalk oder Instagram-Kanal – für jede.n gibt es etwas zu entdecken! Die Pitches um den mit 2.500 € dotierten Preis haben online, live und in Anwesenheit der Jury stattgefunden. Gewonnen hat das Projekt Social Score von Vinzenz Aubry, Sebastian Strobel, Fabian Burghardt und Ralph Tharayil. Hier finden Sie die Preisverleihung vom 14. Mai.



Sebastian Sorg (XR Hub Bavaria)


Joël Jent (Produzent Dschoint Ventschr / Aaron Film)
Matthias Leitner (Digital Storyteller, Strategiedesigner)
Jutta Schirmacher (Referentin bei der Bayerischen Landeszentrale für neue Medien)


In einem Interview mit BLMplus berichtet Florina Vilgertshofer, die Leiterin der Perspektiven über, den Preis für neue Erzählformate, und über die neuen Möglichkeiten des digitalen Storytelling. Hier geht es zum Interview.



Warum ist Deutschland heute so, wie es ist? Um das zu verstehen muss man wissen, was vor 30 Jahren genau passiert ist. Zum Jubiläum des Mauerfalls spult der rbb deshalb zurück und erzählt mit @wende_rewind die ganze Geschichte der Wendezeit. Auf Instagram: Innovativ, authentisch und zum Miterleben. Für eine Zielgruppe, die vor 30 Jahren noch nicht auf der Welt oder noch sehr jung war.
164 Tage lang zeigt @wende_rewind mit Originalmaterial in den Stories und im Feed das Chaos, die Unsicherheit aber auch die großen Hoffnungen in dieser besonderen Zeit – und beweist, dass die Wende mehr ist als Hasselhoff, Mauerfall und endlich Bananen. 

Speaker: Isabel Hummel, Ariane Böhm


Grand Theft Europe – The Newsgame

Er kostet die Steuerzahler.innen jedes Jahr 50 Milliarden Euro: Der größte laufende Steuerbetrug in Europa. CORRECTIV hat gemeinsam mit 35 Redaktionen aus 30 europäischen Ländern das Ausmaß der Steuerkarusselle recherchiert. Um die Betrugsmasche zu vermitteln, haben die Reporter.innen mit der Plattform Newsgamer ein Online-Spiel entwickelt. In Grand Theft Europe – The Newsgame kann jede.r in die Rolle der Gauner.innen schlüpfen und ausprobieren, wie schnell man mit Umsatzsteuerkarussellen reich wird. Die Szenarien basieren auf den Recherchen.

Speaker: Marta Orosz


Tagesspiegel 89/19

Gemeinsam mit dem Tagesspiegel Innovation Lab haben wir zum 30. Mauerfalljubiläum 2019 in Berlin eine Augmented-Reality-App mit dazugehöriger Projektseite veröffentlicht. Dafür wurden historische Fotos von Mauerfallmomenten mithilfe neuester Technologie exakt an die Stellen platziert, an denen sie einst aufgenommen wurden. Mit dem Smartphone können sie entdeckt werden. Für Leser.innen, die kein Smartphone besitzen, haben wir auf der Projektseite einen Slider gebaut, der die Möglichkeit bietet, in einem 360-Grad-Foto das historische Bild an der korrekten Stelle platziert zu sehen.

Speaker: Anne-Sophie Panzer


Social Score 

Social Score ist das erste interaktive und standortbasierte Hörerlebnis, das direkt im Browser gespielt werden kann und die potentielle Einführung eines Social Scoring Systems in Deutschland verhandelt. Die Hörer.innen erleben bei einem freien Spaziergang mit der fiktiven KI „AVA“ die Vor- und Nachteile eines solchen Systems. Dabei setzt sich das Hörspiel live und individuell zusammen, indem GPS-Positionsdaten analysiert und mit einer Datenbank von Orts- und Objektdaten abgeglichen werden.

Speaker: Vinzenz Aubry, Sebastian Strobel, Fabian Burghardt





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  • Fr., 08.05.20
  • Fr., 08.05.20
Vinzenz Aubry
Designer, Media Artist (Sansho Studio)

Vinzenz Aubry is a German-French designer and media artist. He is co-founder of the design studio sansho, where he designs and develops new digital narrative formats for music, culture and editorial applications. Vinzenz regularly exhibits and teaches at universities in the field of web and new media.

Felizitas Hoffmann

Felizitas Hoffmann completed her Bachelor's degree in Ethnology and Art/Music/Theatre at the LMU Munich in 2014. Since 2014 she has been studying documentary film and television journalism at the University of Television and Film Munich (HFF). In 2017 she founded the art collective Hybris together with Theresa Hoffmann and Natalia Jobe.

Isabel Hummel
Journalist (wende_rewind)

Isabel's heart beats for good storytelling - preferably on new playout paths and platforms. She also likes: different perspectives & different imagery. That's why she brought webdokus to production at rbb, tested WhatsApp for tagesschau and worked for funk as a format developer and editor. Their funk format "Jäger & Sammler" got her and her team nominated for the Grimme Award and the Grimme Online Award.

Joël Jent
Producer, Director, Author (Dschoint Ventschur )

Born 1983 in Wetzikon, raised in Toggenburg (SG). After high school Joël Jent worked as a flight attendant and secondary school teacher. From 2004 to 2010 he studied political science, film studies and social/economic history at the University of Zurich, graduating in 2010 with a Master of Arts degree.
Over the years since 2003, Jent has produced several documentary and short film projects, including his own directorial work. Since April 2011 he is working for Dschoint Ventschr Filmproduktion - since 2014 as producer and since 2018 as partner. As a producer he was responsible for the feature films IRAQI ODYSSEY (TIFF and Berlinale) and BAGHDAD IN MY SHADOW (Locarno) by Samir, as well as the short film FACING MECCA (Student Academy Award) by Jan-Eric Mack.

Joël Jent was invited to Cannes in 2016 by EFP - European Film Promotion as "Producer on the Move" for Switzerland. He is a member of the European and the Swiss Film Academy. In 2017 he was appointed co-director of the practice area "Creative Producing" at the Zurich University of the Arts.

Felix Klee
Director (Fragmente eines Septembertages - Der Mord an Enver Simsek)

Since 2015 Felix Klee has been studying Directing for Documentary Film at the HFF Munich. In 2016 he graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts Munich with a diploma. He studied painting with Prof. Fries and time-based media with Prof. Rosefeldt. From 2011 to 2014 he studied painting with Prof. Hartmann at the Academy of Fine Arts Nuremberg. He is currently working on short films with the Mexican director Gisela Carbajal and the Cameroonian director Cyrielle Raingou. 

Matthias Leitner
Jury - Award for new narrative formats (Digital Storyteller & Strategiedesigner)

Since 2015, Matthias Leitner has been responsible for the storytelling lab story: first and since 2018 web: first for Bayerischer Rundfunk. He also works in digital development as a project and idea manager. He has received various awards for his journalistic work, and the federal government's cultural and creative industries have appointed Matthias Leitner as a Fellow in 2017.

Stefan Marx
Business Development & Tech (Zaubar)

Stefan Marx has been an integral part of Berlin's tech startup scene for several years. Before, he was mainly on the road as a co-founder and product developer for his AR/VR startup Viorama, founded in 2015, of which the technology was sold in 2018. With the startup and their app "Splash" Stefan and his co-founders were able to collect 2.5 million Euros seedfunding in early 2016 after winning the startup competition on the SXSW. 

Stefan studied Philosophy of Technology at the TU Berlin and Design Thinking at the Hasso Plattner Institute. His expertise lies in innovative product development, interface design and game engine programming.

Marta Orosz
Journalist (CORRECTIV)

Marta Orosz is a business journalist at Correctiv research centre. In 2019 she headed the investigative research Grand Theft Europe on the largest ongoing VAT fraud in Europe, involving 35 editorial offices from 30 countries. Prior to that she researched the cement industry and free trade agreements. Together with Stern magazine she published stories about sexual abuse on WDR. Marta is currently studying at the MBA School and Institute of Journalism at New York University and is researching about billionaires and coronavirus for Forbes USA. 

Anne-Sophie Panzer
Journalistin, Autorin (Zaubar)

Anne-Sophie Panzer founded ZAUBAR together with Stefan Marx at the beginning of 2019. The company develops new narrative formats for artistic and journalistic storytelling in augmented reality and implements them technically and in terms of content. (previous customers: Tagesspiegel, BR, SWR). Anne-Sophie has a Master's degree in Public Policy and worked as a video journalist and author while studying at the University of Potsdam. She has worked for Alex TV, Xen.On TV, her own productions and books and during various internships at RBB, ZDF Frontal 21 and MDR.

Jutta Schirmacher
Jury - Award for new narrative formats (Bayerische Landeszentrale für neue Medien)

Jutta Schirmacher is a speaker at the Bavarian Regulatory Authority for Commercial Broadcasting (BLM) in the field of media competence and youth protection and is a foundation officer at the Media Education Foundation Bavaria, which was founded by the BLM. She studied media, law and political science at the Philipps University of Marburg and completed an apprenticeship at Hubert Burda Media. As a film consultant for the BLM, she has also been entrusted with the preparation of the meetings of the FFF Bayern awards committee since 2014. Since 2016 she has been a jury member of the German Film and Media Evaluation (FBW).

Sebastian Sorg
(Sebastian Sorg Creative)

Sebastian Sorg is a creative project developer for film and innovative media who is based in Munich, Germany. After creating and managing at DOK.fest Munich, he focussed on project development, financing strategies and funding.

Sebastian Strobel
(Sansho Studio)

Sebastian Strobel is a communication designer with a conceptual focus on digital narrative formats for culture, society and business. As co-founder of sansho, he has been working in interdisciplinary teams on the conception, design and implementation of web-based projects since 2017.