Master's Pitch 2022
Tell Us What You Need – What You Really Really Need
Die Veranstaltung findet auf Englisch statt.
Diese Veranstaltung findet hybrid statt.
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Not a word about C... or P…, but let’s be frank: we cannot pretend that we are back to normal, and nothing has changed. The documentary industry is hurting, and we rely more than ever on the Magic Triangle of independent creators, public funds, and broadcasters/platforms – collaborating financially and creatively to keep the power of documentary alive and kicking. But how do we keep the creative juices flowing? What do filmmakers and producers need to flourish? What do funders need to stay relevant? And what do broadcasters and platforms need to engage and enlighten audiences?
Along the lines of the well-known dictum, Never Waste a Good Crisis, it’s time for new visions, new initiatives, taking frank, realistic stock, but also grabbing and exploring the glimpses of opportunities the crisis also offered us.
It’s time to be authentically BOLD: what do we really need? But it’s also time to truly LISTEN, reflect and pool together, rather than proclaiming statements and fortifying our respective positions.
Let’s share our best practices, workable weaknesses, and learnable mistakes, envisioning the ultimate roadmap(s) from idea and intention to audience and impact.
In the interactive setting of the Masters’ Pitch, 9 new documentary projects heading into this transitioning market, will be presented to international commissioners and experts. Feedback is also sought from the audience, including producers, directors, distributors and representatives of major broadcasters. Our jury members will be in the spotlight as well to share their reflections and current needs in keynotes.
Programme and Projects
13.00–13.15 Welcome & introduction
13.20–13.35 Kick-off keynote by Sabine Bubeck-Paaz, ZDF: "Still Making Sense" Coproducing documentaries in times of crises"
13.35–13.50 Pitch 1 and Feedback: RUSSIA VS. LAWYERS, Netherlands/Germany
Pitching Team: Masha Novikova and Julia Shaginurova
13.50–14.05 Pitch 2 and Feedback: OUR SEEDS, Turkey
Pitching Team: Erhan Arik and Meryem Yavuz
14.05–14.20 Pitch 3 and Feedback: OLE MI COÑO: MY SEXTORTION DIARY, Spain
Pitching Team: Patricia Franquesa and Mireia Graell
14.20–14.35 Impulse talk by Derren Lawford, Dare Pictures: "Uncertainty, Flexibility and Opportunity: My New Normality"
14.35–14.50 Pitch 4 and Feedback: MEMORY WARS, Germany/Sweden
Pitching Team: Hendrik Löbbert and Erik Winker
14.50–15.05 Pitch 5 and Feedback: UNTITLED: MISS AFRICA SOUTH, South Africa
Pitching Team: Jacqui-Lee Katz and Darren Kerr
15.05–15.30 Coffee Break
15.45–16.00 Pitch 6 and Feedback: CONCRETE LAND, Jordan
Pitching Team: Asmahan Bkerat and Sahar Yousefi
16.00–16.15 Pitch 7 and Feedback: VIBE ISTANBUL, Turkey/France
Pitching Team: Nafise Esmael Motlaq and Saeed Nasiri
16.15–16.30 Pitch 8 and Feedback: FINDING LA SINGLA, Spain/Germany
Pitching Team: Paloma Zapata and Nadja Smith
16.30–16.45 Pitch 9 and Feedback: VELVET GENERATION, Slovakia/Czech Republic
Pitching Team: Ivana Hucíková and Monika Loš?áková
16.45–17.00 Impulse talk
17.00–17.10 Closing Words Karolina Lidin & Thank yous
Master's Pitch Jury
The event will be moderated by renowned documentary consultant Karolina Lidin (Nordisk Film & TV Fund).
Sabine Bubeck-Paaz, ZDF
Timo Großpietsch, NDR
Derren Lawford, Dare Pictures
Matthias Leybrand, BR
Philippa Kowarsky, BBC
Esther van Messel, First Hand Films
Jake Wiafe, Little Dot Studios
In Zusammenarbeit mit Documentary Campus
Documentary Campus ist eine non-profit Organisation mit Sitz in München. Durch eine Kombination aus Workshops, Seminaren, Schulungsprogrammen und Branchenveranstaltungen unterstützt die europaweit renommierte Weiterbildungsinitiative angehende Filmemacher.innen bei der Entwicklung ihrer Projektideen, macht sie mit den internationalen Standards und Spielregeln des Dokumentarfilms vertraut und vermittelt Profis und Nachwuchstalenten das Know-how, Möglichkeiten zur Vernetzung und Kontakte, um Koproduktionspartner zu finden und Dokumentarfilmideen zu internationalem Erfolg zu verhelfen.