It’s a Match!

International Conference – Day 2

What does it take to create a TV programme the audience wants to see? How to make sure that out of the huge amount of offers available, a documentary film will be picked?

From 4 to 5 May 2023, the international conference at DOK.fest München in partnership with Documentary Campus and Bayerischer Rundfunk will focus on the audience behavior and question how to attract – or say even “seduce” – the audience and to promote your programme.

Based on brand new European audiences research, we will analyze facts and figures in a session of strategic reflection, followed by an interactive working format to put knowledge into practice and create a toolkit for broadcasters and programmers.

We will also explore fresh perspectives through the lens of new technologies serving the broadcasting industries, discuss how to make the most of libraries, their relevance for the broadcasters as well as for emerging filmmakers, dissect monetization strategies for creators, and debate how to handle distribution and exploitation rights best in an ever changing media landscape.

The conference is curated and moderated by AC Coppens/THE CATALYSTS.

Join us in Munich, an international, creative hub, standing for the highest quality in content and connections at the!

Programme 4 May

9.00–17.00 Conference day 1

Programme 5 May

9.00–10.00 Panel: Is daring creativity in the way to a great audience success?
A constant struggle in film: commercial viability vs artistic integrity. Documentaries seem to be winning more awards recently, but does this actually guarantee success or increase their impact? How can we support emerging filmmakers and diverse voices in telling creative stories that push boundaries? And what is a creative documentary anyway?

Speaker: Paul Rieth, Marketing & Crowdfunding consultant, Audience Strategist and Film Producer; Anna Hints, Filmmaker (online); Mohamed Saïd Ouma, Filmmaker, DocA (Documentary Africa) Executive Director

10.00–11.00 Panel: All over the Channels - how to make your doc be seen tomorrow?
Experts in mediatheques, AVOD and FAST channels, and digital distribution share insights on how documentary filmmakers can navigate the crowded marketplace and find the right distribution for their films: channels and platforms currently prioritizing documentaries, the pivot to branded content and narrative features, and all the latest in distribution.

Speakers: Lara Sword, Little Dot Studios; Pola Nathusius, Distribution Strategist at ARD; Antoine Schmidt-Roy, CEO of Nikita Ventures

11.00–11.30 Coffee break

11.30–12.30 Ask Me Anything session: The future of monetization for creators, accessibility and rights
This is your chance to ask experts questions about the future of the creator's economy: from the first European movie ever funded by NFTs, to working with metadata to make the most of audiences, we will discover how the industry finds fresh ways to monetize.

Speakers: Jan Spielhoff, Head of Business Affairs FilmChain; Giorgia Aubrey, Director of Creators Kyra TV; Claudia Wolf, COO Metadata Jay (online); Miguel Faus, Filmmaker

12.30–12.45 Closing and Wrap up
Speaker: AC Coppens


The event will be held in English.

The event will be held on site.

  • Regular one day ticket: 30,00 euros
  • One day ticket for students: 15,00 euros

For EBU members and Marketplace accredited the entrance is free of charge.

Buy a ticket for 5 May.

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  • Logo Sponsor
  • Fri, 5/5/23
  • Fri, 5/5/23
Giorgia Aubrey
(Self Employed)
Pola Nathusius
Distributionsstrategin (ARD Koordination Dokumentation)

Pola Sarah Nathusius ist Distributionsstrategin bei der ARD Koordination Dokumentation sowie Teamlead Conversion beim Distributionsmanagement des Bayerischen Rundfunks. Zuvor hat sie den Bereich Audience Development bei der Innovations- und Digitalagentur ida aufgebaut. Pola Sarah Nathusius hat viele Jahre als Autorin, Redakteurin und Moderatorin für ARD, ZDF und andere Medienhäuser gearbeitet. Im Rahmen des Ernst Cramer & Teddy Kollek Fellowships hat sie in Tel Aviv, Israel beim interationalen Fernsehsender i24News gearbeitet und nach ihrem Volontariat beim Hessischen Rundfunk ein weiteres Jahr in Israel gelebt. Studiert hat Pola Nathusius Politikwissenschaften und Amerikanistik in Frankfurt am Main

Antoine Schmidt-Roy
(Nikita Ventures)

Nach seinem Abschluss am Institut für Kultur- und Medienmanagement in Hamburg übernahm Antoine Schmidt-Roy als Leiter Neue Medien bei Studio Hamburg Distribution die kommerzielle Verwertung von ARD-Produktionen über digitale Kanäle, z.B. durch die Erstveröffentlichung im iTunes Store oder in Apps. Im Jahr 2012 übernahm Antoine die Position des CEO von Germany's Gold, einem Unternehmen, das von 17 führenden Unternehmen der deutschen Fernseh- und Filmindustrie (ZDF Enterprises, WDR Mediagroup, Beta, Brainpool etc.) mit dem Ziel gegründet wurde, 60 Jahre Deutsches Fernsehen auf einer neuen VOD-Plattform zu vermarkten. Im Januar 2014 gründete Antoine Schmidt-Roy Nikita Ventures.