Germany 2021 – Director: Jeanine Meerapfel – Original language: Other – Subtitles: English – Length: 104 min.

  • Sun, 5/8/22
    Deutsches Theater
    with English subtitles, Q&A with Jeanine Meerapfel (dir.)
  • Wed, 5/11/22
    City 3
    Original with English subtitles, Q&A with Jeanine Meerapfel (dir.)
  • Sat, 5/14/22
    Rio 1
    Original with English subtitles, Q&A with Jeanine Meerapfel (Dir.)

“I try to remember how her skin and her arms felt when she hugged me. How poor is memory if it cannot hold on to this feeling?” In her film, Jeanine Meerapfel retraces the life of her mother Marie Louise Chatelaine, known as Malou, who has searched for her place in society but never really found it. Ina Borrmann

We present the German premiere of the film.


No youth rating


Jeanine Meerapfel

Born in Buenos Aires, the filmmaker, screenwriter and producer first attended journalism school and then worked as an editor and freelance journalist. She studied at the Ulm School of Design, was a professor at the KHM in Cologne and has been president of the Academy of the Arts, Berlin since 2015.

Filmography (selection)

DER DEUTSCHE FREUND, DE/AR 2012, 100 min. 
MALOU, DE 1981, 94 min.


Nominated for the VIKTOR Main Competition DOK.international

Slices of life, insights and perspectives: The films of the International Competition open doors to new worlds for us. They compete for the award VIKTOR Main Competition, which is endowed with 10,000 euros. The award donor is Bayerischer Rundfunk.

Writer: Jeanine Meerapfel. Camera: Johann Feindt. Sound: Thomas Keller, Manja Ebert. Editing: Vasso Floridi. Music: Floros Floridis. Production: unafilm. Producer: Titus Kreyenberg, Co-Produktion: Malena Film (DE), Oh My Gomez! Films (AR). Co-Producers: in co-production with Malena Film (D) and Oh My Gomez! Films (ARG). International Sales: unafilm. Distribution: Real Fiction Filme.

DOK.international Main Competition 2022
  • Sun, 5/8/22
    Deutsches Theater
    with English subtitles, Q&A with Jeanine Meerapfel (dir.)
  • Wed, 5/11/22
    City 3
    Original with English subtitles, Q&A with Jeanine Meerapfel (dir.)
  • Sat, 5/14/22
    Rio 1
    Original with English subtitles, Q&A with Jeanine Meerapfel (Dir.)

This film is not available online. You can buy a regular ticket for a cinema screening.

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