Belgium, Iceland 2022 – Director: Dorus Masure, Ischa Clissen – Original language: Icelandic – Subtitles: English – Length: 67 min.

  • Sat, 5/7/22
    Gasteig HP8 Projektor
    English subtitles, Q&A with Dorus Masure & Ischa Clissen (dir.)
  • Wed, 5/11/22
    HFF - Kino 2
    Original with English subtitles

Fire and ice, black and white: the contrasts could hardly be more striking than in the land around the Icelandic volcano Katla. As a tourist attraction, a key part of the economy and impending natural disaster, it has an impact on the life of everyone living in the fishing village Vík í Mýrdal. 100 years since the last eruption, they wait for the next one, which is long overdue. Anja Klauck

We present the international premiere of the film.


No youth rating


Dorus Masure and Ischa Clissen

As directors for the Belgian production company Woestijnvis, Ischa Clissen and Dorus Masure have directed numerous documentary programmes for Belgian television.

Filmography Dorus Masure

KOMEN TE GAAN, BE 2019, documentary series

Filmography Ischa Clissen

MAINLAND, BE 2015, 18 min.



DOK.panorama shows documentary film discoveries from all over the world mapping the diversity and current trends of documentary storytelling.


Writer: Dorus Masure, Ischa Clissen. Camera: Dorus Masure, Sebastian Ziegler, Tomas Marshall. Sound: Ischa Clissen, Magnús Ómarsson, Árni Gylfason. Editing: Pieter Peeters, Sam Sermon, Jurgen Leemans. Music: Úlfur Hansson. Production: Diplodokus. Producer: Barbara Dyck. Co-Producers: Maarten Bernaerts (Diplodokus - BE), Bram Conjaerts (Diplodokus - BE), Laurence Buelens (Rayuela Productions- BE), Heather Millard (Compass Films -IS).

DOK.panorama 2022
  • Sat, 5/7/22
    Gasteig HP8 Projektor
    English subtitles, Q&A with Dorus Masure & Ischa Clissen (dir.)
  • Wed, 5/11/22
    HFF - Kino 2
    Original with English subtitles