Germany 2014 – Director: Lion Bischof, Jonas Heldt, Felicitas Sonvilla – Original language: Czech, German – Subtitles: English – Length: 46 min.

  • Mo., 11.05.15
    HFF - Kino 1
    English subtitles

There remain some people who make the most out of life, who find it great to have so much space and to animate a place that is otherwise just somewhere where people hang about with half-pipes, home-made Jacuzzis and parties.

English/Original Title: HINTERLAND. Writer: Lion Bischof/Jonas Heldt/ Felicitas Sonvilla. Camera: Dino Osmanovic. Sound: Jonas Heldt. Editing: Micki Joanni. Music: Dmitri Grogriev/ Silvius Sonvilla. Production: MOTEL Filmkollektiv und HFF München. Producer: Felicitas Sonvilla. International Sales: Tina Janker (HFF München)

Student Award 2015
  • Mo., 11.05.15
    HFF - Kino 1
    English subtitles