USA 2017 – Director: Sam Wainwright Douglas, Paul Lovelace, Jessica Wolfson – Original language: English – Length: 67 min.

  • Fri, 5/11/18
    City 2

Chip fat in the tank? New technologies are transforming old cooking oil into fuel for cars, buses and HGVs. Yet this beneficial energy source doesn't just preserve the environment it also provokes resistance from the big corporations. A fascinating and highly topical study of the battle in the energy sector.


Writer: Sam Wainwright Douglas, Paul Lovelace, Jessica Wolfson. Camera: Andrew Alden Miller. Sound: Curtis Henderson. Music: Alex Maas, Brett Orrison. Production: Lost Footage Films. Producer: Sam Wainwright Douglas, Paul Lovelace, Jessica Wolfson. Co-Producers: Paul Lovelace, Jessica Wolfson.

DOK.special 2018
  • Fri, 5/11/18
    City 2