Sweden 2021 – Director: Zahavi Sanjavi – Original language: Kurdish – Subtitles: English, None – Length: 78 min.

  • Thu, 5/5/22
    HFF - Kino 2
    Original with English subtitles
  • Sat, 5/7/22
    City 3
    Original with English subtitles
  • Sat, 5/14/22
    City 3
    Original with English subtitles

Imad doesn't like toys; he likes weapons and decapitated dogs. Imad is four and a half years old. More than two years ago, his family was captured by the IS. After they are set free, the film shows the mother’s despair at Imad’s aggressive behaviour. She seeks help, in order to reconnect with her son: he should be allowed to be a child again. Katharina Dolles


No youth rating


Zahavi Sanjavi

Zahavi Sanjavi was born in Arbil, Iraq. He lives in Sweden and works as a director, screenwriter and producer. Sanjavi studied screenwriting and filmmaking in Moscow. For nine years he worked for television in Iraqi Kurdistan.


THE RETURN, SE 2016, 52 min.
ALL MY MOTHERS, IR, IQ 2009, 80 min.


Best of Fests

Innovative cinema and intimate insights: The BEST OF FESTS series brings together films that have already been screened at other important festivals and were celebrated or awarded prizes there.


Production: AVB Production. Producer: Zahavi Sanjavi.

Best of Fests 2022
  • Thu, 5/5/22
    HFF - Kino 2
    Original with English subtitles
  • Sat, 5/7/22
    City 3
    Original with English subtitles
  • Sat, 5/14/22
    City 3
    Original with English subtitles