Egypt, Greece, Italy, United Kingdom 2015 – Director: Anja Kirschner – Original language: English – Length: 149 min.

  • Mi., 11.05.16
    Georg-Knorr-Saal, Lenbachhaus
    English original version, free entrance. Q&A with Anja Kirschner
  • Do., 12.05.16
    Kunstbau des Lenbachhauses
    English original version, free entrance
  • Fr., 13.05.16
    Georg-Knorr-Saal, Lenbachhaus
    English original version. Free entrance
  • Sa., 14.05.16
    Georg-Knorr-Saal, Lenbachhaus
    English original version. Free entrance
  • So., 15.05.16
    Georg-Knorr-Saal, Lenbachhaus
    English original version. Free entrance

MODERATION, set in Egypt, Greece and Italy, revolves around a female horror director and her collaborators, whose latest project is haunted by encounters with its ‘raw material’. Horror traverses the realities of their lives on and off screen. MODERATION was commissioned by the curator Nadja Argyropoulou for Polyeco Contemporary Art Initiative (GR), co-produced by Beirut (EG) and Nomas Foundation (IT) and supported by the Elephant Trust (UK) and the Greek Film Centre (GR).

Writer: Maya Lubinsky, Anna De Filippi. Camera: Dimitris Kasimatis, Mostafa El Kashef. Sound: Dimitris Kanellopoulos, Max Schneider, Giuseppe Di Lascio. Editing: Anja Kirschner, Smaro Papaevangelou. Music: Dracula Lewis. Production: Anja Kirschner. Producer: Anja Kirschner.

DOK.special 2016
  • Mi., 11.05.16
    Georg-Knorr-Saal, Lenbachhaus
    English original version, free entrance. Q&A with Anja Kirschner
  • Do., 12.05.16
    Kunstbau des Lenbachhauses
    English original version, free entrance
  • Fr., 13.05.16
    Georg-Knorr-Saal, Lenbachhaus
    English original version. Free entrance
  • Sa., 14.05.16
    Georg-Knorr-Saal, Lenbachhaus
    English original version. Free entrance
  • So., 15.05.16
    Georg-Knorr-Saal, Lenbachhaus
    English original version. Free entrance