Austria, Germany 2022 – Director: Sabine Derflinger – Original language: German – Subtitles: None – Length: 135 min.

  • Sat, 5/7/22
    Rio 1
    English subtitles, Q&A with S. Derflinger (dir.), Alice Schwarzer (prot.) & team
  • Sun, 5/8/22
    HFF - Audimax
    English subtitles, Q&A with Sabine Derflinger (Director) & protagonists
  • Mon, 5/9/22
    Einstein 28
    German original language
  • Wed, 5/11/22
    Rio 1
    Original with English subtitles

Alice Schwarzer has shaped feminist discourse in Europe since the 1970s like no other woman. She has initiated countless campaigns, never shies away from conflict and is regularly at the centre of controversial debates. Who is this woman and what drives her? A radically subjective portrait of a charismatically fearless woman among those who fight alongside her. Ina Borrmann and Ysabel Fantou

We present the international premiere of the film.


No youth rating



This film contains archive material with racist language.


Sabine Derflinger

Born in Upper Austria, studied at the Film Academy Vienna, director of many award-winning feature films and documentaries. In 2010 she founded her own production company. In 2011 she became the first female director to shoot a crime scene.


ALICE SCHWARZER, DE, AT 2022, 135 min. 
JOHANNA DOHNAL, AT 2019, 105 min.
HOTSPOT, AT 2011, 80 min.



Nominated for the VIKTOR DOK.deutsch

People and everyday occurrences in German-speaking countries: In in-depth narratives we are exposed to extraordinary experiences and gain valuable insights into our homeland. The films compete for the award VIKTOR DOK.deutsch which is endowed with 5,000 euros.


Writer: Sabine Derflinger. Camera: Christine A. Maier, Isabelle Casez. Sound: Andreas Hamza, Benedikt Palier, Tobias Gerlach, Armin Siegwarth. Editing: Lisa Zoe Geretschläger. Music: Gerald Schuller, Nora Czamler. Production: Derflinger Film, Mizzi Stock Entertainm., Weerts Müller, Filmdelights, ARTE/ZDF. Producer: Sabine Derflinger, Eva Maria Weerts, Franz Müller. Co-Producers: Produktionsleitung: Hanne Lassl.

DOK.deutsch Wettbewerb 2022
  • Sat, 5/7/22
    Rio 1
    English subtitles, Q&A with S. Derflinger (dir.), Alice Schwarzer (prot.) & team
  • Sun, 5/8/22
    HFF - Audimax
    English subtitles, Q&A with Sabine Derflinger (Director) & protagonists
  • Mon, 5/9/22
    Einstein 28
    German original language
  • Wed, 5/11/22
    Rio 1
    Original with English subtitles

This film is not available online. You can buy a regular ticket for a cinema screening.