Spain 1976 – Director: Jaime Chávarri – Original language: Spanish – Subtitles: English – Length: 97 min.

  • Thu, 5/5/22
    Gasteig HP8 Projektor
    Original with English subtitles
  • Sat, 5/14/22
    Original with English subtitles

“Failure is the brightest of all victories,” says Leopoldo, poète maudit and the son of the national poet Panero, who was left-wing at the beginning of the civil war but by the end was on the right. They speak quickly and a lot, the three sons and the beautiful mother, an educated and completely dysfunctional family. Façade and abyss – Spain at a time of transition. Elena Álvarez Lutz


No youth rating


Jaime Chávarri

Jaime Chávarri first studies law and then at the Escuela Oficial de Cine (EOC), where he drops out to work as a film critic, assistant director, experimental filmmaker. He works as an art director with Victor Erice and Carlos Saura to then return to directing.


CAMARÓN, ES 2005, 119 min. (drama)
EL AÑO DEL DILUVIO, ES/FR/IT 2004, 92 min. (drama)
BESOS PARA TODOS, ES 2000, 96 min. (drama)


Retrospective: Franquismo in Spain

Franco's legacy – for a long time a culturally untouched, nationwide trauma that has become a defining part of Spanish identity. We present six films from four decades of facing and coping with Franquismo.

This project has been possible with the support of Acción Cultural Española (AC/E).



Production: Elías Querejeta Producciones. Producer: Elías Querejeta.

Retrospective Franquismo in Spain 2022
  • Thu, 5/5/22
    Gasteig HP8 Projektor
    Original with English subtitles
  • Sat, 5/14/22
    Original with English subtitles