Gambia, South Africa 2022 – Director: Babucarr Manka – Original language: English, Wollof – Subtitles: English – Length: 40 min.

  • Sat, 5/7/22
    HFF - Audimax
    Original with English subtitles, Q&A with Babucarr Manka (dir.)
  • Sat, 5/14/22
    Neues Maxim
    Original with English subtitles

The journey to Europe has twice ended in failure. Back home in Gambia, 20 year-old Paabi is now set to establish a life for herself with the support of the International Organization for Migration. The conditions are harsh and the expectations of the extended family are high. In the end, Paabi gets back on a bus heading north. Barbara Off

We present the world premiere of the film.


No youth rating


Babucarr Manka

As a producer and director, Babucarr Manka first worked for international organizations, later he produced documentaries, TV shows and commercials for Gambia's leading multimedia company State of Mic. Since 2017, he has become increasingly interested in stories of everyday life.   


GIFTS FROM BABYLON, GM, NL 2018, 24 min.


We present the film as part of a short film programme. The ticket also gives access to the film:

Rwanda, South Africa 2021, Claudine Ndimbira, 19 min.

Refugee Akili Nadege has experienced terrible things: loss, imprisonment, torture. Women and men lend their voices to tell Akili’s story. The more the narrators take in, the more affected they are – and Akili regains her agency and her dignity. An impressive short film that demands and enacts compassion. Barbara Off


African Encounters

Exchange at eye level. The festival's focus on Africa promotes the perception and representation of the African continent beyond short-lived headlines and stereotypes.

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Production: STEPS/STATE OF MIC MULTIMEDIA, ARTE France. Producer: Don Edkins. International Sales: STEPS

DOK.network Africa 2022
  • Sat, 5/7/22
    HFF - Audimax
    Original with English subtitles, Q&A with Babucarr Manka (dir.)
  • Sat, 5/14/22
    Neues Maxim
    Original with English subtitles