Switzerland 2019 – Director: Raphael Bondy – Original language: Hebrew – Subtitles: English, German – Length: 52 min.

It was to be the "salvation" for the Beta Israel, the Ethiopian Jews, when they were brought to Israel in the 1970s. Now their children demand the chances their parents never got and fight against social stigmata in the Israeli society.

We present the German premiere of the film at DOK.fest München 2020 @home.




Born into an artistic family, Raphael Bondy discovered his passion for film. He worked as a cameraman in the film and television industry. His path led him via film schools in London and Los Angeles back to Switzerland. NO PROMISED LAND is his master project at the ZHdK, Zurich.


NO PROMISED LAND, CH 2019, 52 min.
GIRLFRIEND WANTED, CH 2014, short film
INTO THE ZONE, CH 2008, short film


Writer: Raphael Bondy. Camera: Meni Elias. Sound: Haim Meir. Editing: Noemi Preiswerk. Music: Rahel Zimmermann. Production: Mira Film. Producer: Hercli Bundi. Co-Producers: Koproduktion: Filippo Bonacci ZHdK Zürcher Hochschule der Künste 043 446 32 82 International Sales: NEW DOCS

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