Switzerland 2021 – Director: Lesia Kordonets – Original language: English, Ukrainian – Subtitles: English, French, German – Length: 102 min.

  • Do., 05.05.22
    HFF - Kino 1
    Original with English subtitles, Q&A mit Lesia Kordonets (director)
  • Sa., 14.05.22
    Atelier 1
    Original with English subtitles, Q&A mit Lesia Kordonets (director)
  • So., 15.05.22
    HFF - Kino 1

Sport and politics have never been completely separable. When the Crimean peninsula was annexed by Russia in 2014, the Ukrainian Paralympic team lost their new training centre overnight. For five athletes and an enchantingly imperturbable official, it is the start of the long road to medals in Rio de Janeiro. Jan Sebening

We present the German premiere of the film.


No youth rating


Lesia Kordonets

Born in Ukraine, Lesia Kordonets first studied German language and literature and was a scholarship holder at the Theodor-Heuss-Kolleg. She studied in both the bachelor's and master's programs at the ZHdK, Zurich. She works in Switzerland and Ukraine.


BALAZAR, CH 2013, 30 min.
MUSE, CH 2011, 8 min., (fictional)
DIE NAMENLOSEN, CH 2010, 18 Min.




Winner megaherz Student Award

The Student Award of DOK.fest München presents outstanding documentary films by students of German-speaking film schools. The films are nominated for the Megaherz Student Award, worth 3,000 Euros.


Writer: Lesia Kordonets. Camera: Volodymyr Palylyk / Lesia Kordonets / Olexander Pozdniakov. Sound: Vlad Miroshnichenko. Editing: Gesa Marten / Lesia Kordonets. Music: Christoph Scherbaum. Production: Dschoint Ventschr Filmproduktion. Producer: Karin Koch. Co-Producers: ZHdK Zürcher Hochschule der Künste. International Sales: Dschoint Ventschr Filmproduktion. Distribution: Dschoint Ventschr Filmproduktion.

Student Award 2022
  • Do., 05.05.22
    HFF - Kino 1
    Original with English subtitles, Q&A mit Lesia Kordonets (director)
  • Sa., 14.05.22
    Atelier 1
    Original with English subtitles, Q&A mit Lesia Kordonets (director)
  • So., 15.05.22
    HFF - Kino 1