France, Germany, Niger 2021 – Director: Aïcha Macky – Original language: Haussa – Subtitles: English – Length: 82 min.

  • So., 09.05.21

Young unemployed people, who have gone unnoticed by society throughout their lives, gang up together and rebel. As a result of their lack of prospects, some fall into criminality and end up in jail, others become smugglers. The director captures their everyday lives and explores the roots of the radicalisation that is running rampant in Zinder and Niger’s Sahel region.

We present the German Premiere of the film.

No youth rating


Aïcha Macky

A Nigerien filmmaker and activist, Aïcha Macky holds a Master's degree in Sociology and Creative Documentary Film from universities in Niger and Sénégal, and another Master's degree in Documentary Film from Saint-Louis University, USA. Aïcha Macky was born in Zinder, Niger and lives in the capital Niamey.


THE FRUITLESS TREE, 2016, 52 min.
ME AND MY TINY BODY, 2015, 13 min.
HOW TO MAKE A BED, 2014, 26 min.



DOK.horizonte Competition / DOK.network Africa

The films in the DOK.horizonte series, supported by ENGAGEMENT GLOBAL with funds from the BMZ, tell stories from countries in transition. They are nominated for the VIKTOR DOK.horizonte, endowed with 5,000 euros, donated by the Petra Kelly Foundation.


In cooperation with


Writer: Aicha Macky. Camera: Julien Bossé. Sound: Abdoulaye Adamou Mato. Editing: Karen Benainous. Music: Dominique Peter. Production: Tabous production (NG) , Point du Jour-Les films du balibari (FR), Corso (DE). Producer: Clara Vuillermoz, Ousmane Samassekou, Erik Winker. International Sales: Andana Films.

DOK.horizonte Competition – Cinema of Urgency 2021
  • So., 09.05.21

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