Speaking in front of the camera – with Julian Janssen

How do you stay relaxed in front of the camera? Ask the expert!


Impressionen vom Workshop in der Festivalgalerie.



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The workshop with presenter Julian Janssen will introduce you to the most important rules in front of the camera: how do you stay relaxed in front of the camera? What do you have to keep in mind when speaking into a microphone and how do you prepare well for a big show? Julian shares how he works for Checker Julian at KiKA and what you can learn from this for your own presentations. Bring your questions because at DOK.fest Munich you will meet the presenter in person!

Julian Janssen has been known as Checker Julian since 2018. For the knowledge programme of the same name on KiKA and ARD, he checks everything that interests children and asks exciting questions: how do you build a rollercoaster? How does a submarine submerge and resurface? How do astronauts walk on the moon? After school, Julian studied media science and practice as well as German studies. He gained his first presenting experience at the university radio station and tried his hand at acting in small films and on the theatre stage during his studies. Explaining complex issues to children in a way that is as entertaining and understandable as possible – thats Julians dream job.


Thursday, 09 May 2024, 2pm–3.15pm

Audimaxx of HFF Munich
Bernd-Eichinger-Platz 1
80333 München

The workshop is aimed at children aged 6 to 13. It will be held in German language.

Contact: bildung@dokfest-muenchen.de

Tickets: 3.00 euros

Tickets Online: Rausgegangen

You can also buy tickets at the Festivalzentrum (HFF München) from May 2nd.

Around 300 children took part in the workshop at the HFF last year. The workshop is a co-operation with BR Medienkompetenzprojekte. Further BR media education programmes for young people, pupils and teachers can be found here. Thanks to Bayerischer Rundfunk!