DOK.fest is in the Here&Now


Contemporary documentary films on politics and society – Four views from China

China is a diversity of cultures, arts and religions, where traditional and modern ways of life meet. China is the antithesis of dream-lost landscapes, impoverished regions and futuristic cities, which are created overnight by masses of anonymous labour. China is disciplining, which seems to have completely imposed itself in the organisation of social systems, in economic growth and in individual people. Four documentary films present four different views of China today, without coming to any final judgements. They show what is and where this fascinating country, which always remains a bit of a mystery to us in the West, has developed.

Free admission, registration welcome.

In cooperation with



Deutschland, China 2017 – Director: Tian Dong – Free admission – Length: 92 min.

  • Do., 16.01.25
    Einstein 28

Kung Fu Football – the “Chinese dream.” In a Deng Feng Shaolin boarding school some of the 10,000 pupils learn to play football alongside the traditional martial arts – to complete exhaustion. China’s next generation captured in insightful sequences.

English/Original Title: IRONHEAD. Writer: Tian Dong. Camera: Christian Mario Löhr. Sound: Echo Ho. Editing: Tian Dong. Production: Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln. Producer: Tian Dong.

  • Do., 16.01.25
    Einstein 28