Netherlands 2021 – Director: Joke Olthaar – Original language: Croatian, Czech, Hungarian – Subtitles: English – Length: 79 min.

  • Sun, 5/8/22
    HFF - Kino 1
    Original with English subtitles
  • Thu, 5/12/22
    HFF - Kino 1
    English subtitles, Q&A with Joke Olthaar (dir.) and André Schreuders (camera)
  • Fri, 5/13/22
    English subtitles, Q&A with Joke Olthaar (dir.) and André Schreuders (camera)

Pure nature in beguilingly beautiful black and white footage underlaid with a minimalistic soundscape. With BERG you don’t have to go into the mountains to be immersed in the landscape. BERG is a one-of-a-kind mountain experience. A fascinating, immersive and transcendental film that is not quickly forgotten. Monika Haas

We present the German premiere of the film.


No youth rating


Joke Olthaar 

Joke Olthaar has worked as a director and actress for film and theatre for over 20 years. In 2011 she won the IJsselmonde Culture Prize, an award for exceptional collaboration between visual artists and residents.


DUET OF 3 IDIOTS, NL 2017 (short film, co-directed with André Schreuders) 
HIER IS HARRY MERRY, NL 2013 (documentary short film) 



DOK.panorama shows documentary film discoveries from all over the world mapping the diversity and current trends of documentary storytelling.



Camera: André Schreuders. Sound: Hugo Dijkstal. Editing: Katarina Türler. Music: Rutger Zuydervelt, Hugo Dijkstal. Production: seriousFilm. Producer: Marc Thelosen. International Sales: seriousFilm

DOK.panorama 2022
  • Sun, 5/8/22
    HFF - Kino 1
    Original with English subtitles
  • Thu, 5/12/22
    HFF - Kino 1
    English subtitles, Q&A with Joke Olthaar (dir.) and André Schreuders (camera)
  • Fri, 5/13/22
    English subtitles, Q&A with Joke Olthaar (dir.) and André Schreuders (camera)