Germany 2022 – Director: Verena Wagner – Original language: None – Subtitles: English – Length: 41 min.

  • Thu, 5/5/22
    HFF - Audimax
    Original with English subtitles, Q&A with Verena Wagner (director)
  • Wed, 5/11/22
    Neues Maxim
    Original with English subtitles
  • Sun, 5/15/22
    Rio 2
    Original with English subtitles

Imagine the feeling of being deep in the forest – its vastness, the silence, the damp shade and the dangers that exist purely in the imagination. Can this inimitable feeling be recreated on the big screen? Come and be amazed; take the time to experience something that is as intangible as it is recognisable. A cinematographic mediation on the leitmotif: what is the forest? Jan Sebening

We present the German premiere of the film.


No youth rating


Verena Wagner

Has had a special relationship with the Bavarian Forest since early childhood. After studying business education in Erlangen, she studied at the Film Academy in Munich, where, after the multiple award-winning SCHICHTELN, her film WOID was made.


SCHICHTELN, DE 2021, 22 min.
WOID, DE 2022, 40 min.




Shortlist Student Award

The Student Award of DOK.fest München presents outstanding documentary films by students of German-speaking film schools. The films are nominated for the Megaherz Student Award, worth 3,000 Euros.


We present this film as part of our short film programme SHORTS 1. The ticket also gives access to the following films:

Germany/Greenland 2021, Jonathan Omer Mizrahi, Ariel Sereni Brown, 12 min.

An experimentally-narrated visual poem by a young inuit teenager facing depression who retreats from the apocalyptic present of melting polar ice caps in Greenland into the sanctuary of futuristic cybergoth subculture. A reflection on personal fears of the future and the present and an example of the postmodern flight into the private sphere. Andrea Erja

Ukraine/Germany 2021, Philipp Schaeffer, 16 min.

A short portrait of a young man, who choses Ukraine as the destination for his year abroad so he can teach juggling to children who have been affected by war. Surrounded by trenches, he confesses that he feels more comfortable here than in Czech Republic because the people are so kind-hearted. With great sensitivity the film shows a search for meaning surrounded by gunfire. Andrea Erja

Germany 2021, Felix Klee, 15 min.

How do you define home? What does loss have to do with pain? In opaque tableaux, Felix Klee searches for fragments of a feeling, for traces of a memory and grasps around to re-experience something that has been lost. In stoic black and white, he layers film with screencaps and 3D modelling. A farewell to transience. Jan Sebening


English/Original Title: WOODLAND. Writer: Verena Wagner. Camera: Felix Press. Sound: Benjamin Rost, Verena Wagner. Editing: Ulrike Tortora. Music: Alex Vičar. Production: Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film München. Producer: Christine Haupt.

Student Award 2022
  • Thu, 5/5/22
    HFF - Audimax
    Original with English subtitles, Q&A with Verena Wagner (director)
  • Wed, 5/11/22
    Neues Maxim
    Original with English subtitles
  • Sun, 5/15/22
    Rio 2
    Original with English subtitles