International Jury 2011
The international Jury will award the prizes in the and DOK.horizonte competitions
Francine Brücher joined SWISS Films in 1997 as a sales and marketing expert. Francine studied Languages at the University of Lyon and continued as a sales expert with the Filmverlag der Autoren, concentrating in world sales with Munich Film and Metropolis Film in Zurich. From 1995 to 1998 she was a member of the Hamburg Film Fund selection committee. Since 2003 she has been a member of the Comite de lecture of the Luxembourg Film fund and the European Film Academy and in 2004 was a member of the International Academy of Television Arts & Sciences. In 2005 Francine served as a member of the Board of Directors of European Film Promotion.
DIANA ILJINE, Film Buyer, Munich
Born in Frankfurt am Main, Iljine studied Communication Studies in Munich and has worked in the film and television industry for 25 years. Her book, “The Producer,” is considered a key industry text. As a film buyer she was also responsible for the acquisition of documentaries. Since 2008 she has worked as a consultant for international royalties, co-productions and in the field of ‘video on demand.’ At present she is completing an MBA. From August 2011 she will take over the running of the Munich Film Festival.
ANDREA KUHN, Festival Director, Nürnberg
Born in 1971 in Erlangen, Kuhn studied Theatre, Media Studies, American Studies and English Studies in Erlangen and Durham. At first she was employed as an academic and researcher in the Film Studies field. From 2000-2010 she was the director of the silent film festival StummFilmMusikTage Erlangen and since 2007 she has been the full-time director of the Nuremberg International Human Rights Film Festival. In 2008 she became the chair of the Human Rights Film Network an association that currently consists of 32 human rights film festivals from across the world.
CLAUDIA LANDSBERGER, Head of EYE International, Amsterdam
Her career in the film and media industry includes production, development, acquisitions, programming and marketing and communication. She co-founded European Film Promotion (EFP), was the President of EFP for the past 12 years and is now Vice President. Landsberger has been on many selection committees of film funds and film festivals and was feature film development executive and script consultant for several European production companies. Since 1995 she has been heading Holland Film, the marketing and promotion agency for Dutch films worldwide which has merged into EYE Film Institute Netherlands. Landsberger is now Head of EYE International.
SONJA SCHEIDER, editor, Munich
Born in 1968 in Tegernsee, Scheider obtained a Masters degree in American Cultural History, Politics and Communication Studies at Munich LMU. Since 1990 she has been at Bayerischen Rundfunk. After her studies she did freelance production work in various fields and from 2003 she has been producer for documentary film productions, including Heimatklänge, Eisenfresser, Jagdzeit, as well as topical television productions (Bayerischer Filmpreis; Kino Kino).